Hosting FAQ

How does tech support work? Can we call anytime? Is there a Ticket system?

We are here for you. You can submit a support ticket at any time via email to
You can also log in to submit a ticket at 
You may always call our office anytime at 423-397-0000. We have staff members by the phone Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and someone is on call 24/7. If you should need help after hours you can submit a ticket by leaving a voicemail, sending a text, or via email. We will get back with you as soon as possible, generally within an hour. 

Is WordPress software support part of the package or is this an additional charge? What is the rate?

If you need assistance with hosting related WordPress items (such as adjusting php limits, file permissions or adding and removing server resources) we will do this at no cost.
Anything else such as troubleshooting, theme/plugin issues, or even cleaning hacked websites would be at $65/hour. That is, unless you do a recurring agreement for ‘x’ number of hours per month. Then the cost is $55/hour. We will answer questions anytime at no cost. If we should need to look into something, we would not charge for anything that takes less than 15 minutes.

Do we have access to the web hosting control panel? If so, what is the host software?

Yes. Users have access to a Control Panel to manage their hosting settings. Software is user specific.

Can we create and download a backup copy the website on demand?

You can create backups from the c panel anytime. We recommend using All in One Migration plugin to do site backups. With our hosting package, our custom “TecGuru Management” plugin can be installed on the site. We will do a daily backup of the WP site and a daily security check for known plugin security flaws and malware. We do a server level backup every 2 days as well, regardless of the plugin installation. 

Do we have SFTP access to the site?

Yes. You can access your site with SFTP and you can create FTPS logins from the c panel. We have some customers who want us to restrict SFTP access to certain IP addresses in our hardware firewall. This is recommended if you are using SFTP. However, if you use FTPS, we do not recommend IP blocking on that service. You will also notice firewall rules in the c panel. However, it takes stress off of the server if we do these at the hardware firewall, so blocked traffic never hits the server at all.